Публикации сотрудников Тувинского государственного университета
2016 год
- Bavuu-Syuryun, M.V., Oorzhak, B.Ch., Salchak,Ya.Natalia Nikolaevna Shirobokova and her contribution to the study of Tuvan language // New Research of Tuva, 2016, (1), pp. 75–83
- Tyers, F.M., Washington, J.N., Bayyr-Ool, A., Salchak, A. A finite-state morphological analyser for Tuvan // Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016, 2016, pp. 2562–2567
- Oorzhak, B.Ch., Khertek, A.B., Kuzhuget, M.A., Ondar, V.S. Semantic markup of nouns and adjectives for the electronic corpus of texts in Tuvan language // New Research of Tuva, 2016, (4), pp. 53–65
- Oorzhak, B.Ch.The reality of the present and its reflection in the tuvan language // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2016, (2), pp. 150–158
2020 год
- Salchak, A.Ya., Ondar, V.S. Setting up a parallel Russian-Tuvan subcorpus within the electronic corpus of Tuvan language: Preliminary outcomes | Создание русско-тувинского параллельного подкорпуса электронного корпуса тувинского языка: первые итоги // New Research of Tuva, 2020, (1), pp. 75–87
- Filippov, G.G., Oorzhak, B.C Semantics of the secondary forms based on the participles on-byt and-gan in the Yakut and Tuvan languagese // New Research of Tuva, 2020, (1), стр. 132–142
- Shirobokova, N.N., Oorzhak, B.Ch. Tuvan and Yakut languages: Search for phonetic and grammatical correspondences | Тувинский и якутский языки: поиск фонетических и грамматических соответствий // Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya: Istoriya, Filologiya, 2020, 19(9), pp. 43–54
2021 год
- Oorzhak, B.C. Semantics of prohibition in the tuvan language: Representation means revisited // Oriental Studies, 2021, 14(2), pp. 364–374